
Showing posts from September, 2020

Salmon Season Closes – Let's Fish for Halibut!

Salmon season closed on September 20th, so we decided to go long lining for personal catch halibut. Doug is pictured here with our catch. Our salmon season wrapped up nicely in that we actually saw the sun for several days outside of Cross Sound. The wind was cold, but this year was so grey and rainy that having sunshine was a welcome change. We stuck it out fishing the outside waters to make a season out of it (after our delayed start due to Covid). Again, we were comparatively lucky in that fishing is a socially distanced lifestyle so although impacted, we had a more “normal” summer than many in the US this year. We aren’t sure what winter holds for us this year. Our original plan was to drive thru Canada to the Lower 48, buy a sailboat and sail it to Mexico for some warm weather – but currently neither Canada nor Mexico want US citizens in their country due to our poor ability to control this pandemic. We’ll likely stay in Alaska unless things improve down there. Winter can be harsh...

Catching Big (But Wrong) Fish

We’ve had a variety of sea life surrounding our fishing boat this summer – and we’ve caught a few that we weren’t fishing for. The shark pictured was a relatively  small one – about 6 feet - but he was well hooked, so Doug had to pull him in to release him.   This was just a few days after we “caught” the biggest fish in the sea when a Humpack swam thru our gear and took out our outside starboard line. Doug saw the whale breach about 100 yards off and then he started swimming toward us. He kept coming so Doug revved the engine several times to ensure he heard us and knew we were here. He finally looked up at us when he was about 50 feet off our starboard bow – heading for a Tbone with us. He dove toward us and within seconds the gear on that side of the boat starting jumping. BIG FISH ON! Our gurdies are mounted on davets and they started to strain and jump like maybe he would pull them right off the boat, but then the line snapped. He surfaced and did an awkward full body rol...